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Pet Hospice Care

Specialized veterinary care, known as pet hospice care, is given to those pets with advanced phases of progressive disease or terminal illnesses.

Pet Hospice Care in Kingman, AZ

Hospice care programs are available to give your pet specialized care in their time of need. Our healthcare team is dedicated to bringing comfort to your beloved pet as life nears its end. We provide individualized plans for each patient depending on what is best for you and your pet. Kingman Animal Hospital offers physicals, blood testing, medication refills, pain management, physical therapy, and advice. We want your pet to be as pain-free, comfortable, and fully engaged as possible.

Hospice Care

End-of-Life Care and Pet Loss

We understand the special bond you have with your pet. When it is time to say goodbye to our companions, we often lose a part of our family. When that time arrives, Kingman Animal Hospital offers you and your family the opportunity to spend the final moments with your friend at our clinic in our private comfort room. We also provide aftercare for your pet. Families can choose communal cremation or private cremation. Private cremation allows families to keep a memorial of their pet in a beautiful wooden urn. Please call our office for further details; one of our friendly staff members will gladly assist you.